
Inspire Science is a celebration of what we love about science – an opportunity to think and talk about how we can thrive in a challenging career, take joy in what we do, and communicate effectively with the greater community.


Inspire Science is an evolution of the Symposium Series “Let’s Have an Awesome Time Doing Science”, which first was first organized by Liam Holt in 2009 at UCSF. The series was resurrected at UC Berkeley in 2011, where it continued until 2018. Students from Stanford University adopted the symposium and have been running events from 2014 until today. We are excited to bring Inspire Science to NYU and the East Coast!


We have broad goals, and we welcome new ideas and themes. A few examples:


Taking care of our psychological well being: What makes you happy about being a scientist?


Improving our sense of community: How can we communicate better amongst ourselves? How do we nurture and provide support to other scientists around us?


Bringing science to the public: How does the public perceive the work we do?  How can we make science approachable and interactive for the non-scientist?


Fostering confidence, collaboration, resilience, and inclusion. How can we improve ourselves as scientists and enrich the community around us?

2023 Team

What ideas and suggestions do you have? Resources? Topics? Future speakers? Connections?

Archives - previous Symposia

Many of the following links have archived videos of talks from the Let’s Have an Awesome Time Doing Science series.

UCSF 2009

Berkeley 2013

Berkeley 2014

Berkeley 2015

Berkeley 2016

Berkeley 2017

Berkeley 2018

Stanford 2019